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  • The Art of Good Listening is Key to an HVAC Contractor’s Success

    The most important quality any HVAC business can have is complete commitment to providing exceptional service to their customers. Good customer service – meeting or exceeding a customer’s needs – is the root of every successful business relationship.

    But what makes a solid, customer-focused HVAC contractor stand out among similar competitors who share the same philosophy? A superior ability to listen.

    We’ve all encountered bad listening in our private and professional lives. We have budget constraints, but we’re shown the deluxe model. “A little off the top” becomes a buzz cut. Too many companies fail to listen to their customers – oftentimes because they’re doing too much talking. Some “hear” what customers are telling them, but still fail to reach an understanding of their needs. Still others do a sufficient job, but their seeming indifference leaves their customers feeling cold.

    Every good HVAC contractor must know the importance of not only listening to our customers, but understanding and satisfying their needs.  Set out to cultivate a trusting and successful relationship with each and every customer, on each and every project. Make it a point to get to know your customers and establish open lines of communication.  Take the time to understand their real needs, expectations and issues.

    Simply put, when your customers talk, LISTEN.