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  • Note Card Marketing for HVAC Contractors

    HVAC is a highly competitive business, and one that is not easily marketed. There are literally hundreds of other HVAC contractors in any given area of New Jersey, many with very similar names, vying for the same business, and contractors must find a way to differentiate their company from everyone else. One of the best ways to stand out among the field is through good old-fashioned, hand-written thank you cards.

    The viability of any HVAC business depends on retaining existing customers and gaining referrals, but simply doing a good job is not enough to stand out in from a crowded field. If you fail to make a lasting impression, what are the chances that customer will call upon you again when the need arises? A personal note of appreciation is a simple, inexpensive, and very effective way to ensure they will remember you the next time your services are needed. Very few contractors bother to send thank you notes, which is why they are so indelible.

    Good quality note cards and envelopes printed with your company logo can be purchased inexpensively from any local printer or office supply chain store. Each takes only a minute or two to write:

    “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones, just a quick note to sincerely thank you for your business. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything else we can do for you.” But don’t stop there. Mention their friendly Labrador by name, or congratulate them on their new baby. Thank them for the bottled water they offered. Complement their tropical fish tank, or vegetable garden, or the prize buck mounted on the wall. A simple “Go Yankees!” can go far with a die-hard fan. Let customers know they matter (and they do!), that they’re not just a number, and chances are far better that they’ll call you again or refer you to a friend or colleague when the need arises.